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The City Council signs the eighth contract with entrepreneurs entrepreneurs to be installed in the dependencies of the new Nursery of Companies (10/05/2017)

The City of Totana has signed the eighth of the contracts signed so far with entrepreneurs to be installed in the dependencies of the Nursery of Companies (VIVEM) located in the industrial estate "El Saladar".

The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, and the Councilor for Economic Development and Employment, Antonia Camacho, have signed with the new entrepreneurs another collaboration agreement with the company that will use one of the existing niches and the services that this infrastructure offers to Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

The mayor said that with the incorporation of this company the objectives are being met and content is provided to this infrastructure which is an incubator of companies and business initiatives.

In addition, it has expressed its satisfaction that the start-up of the Business Nursery is strengthened as an element of entrepreneurship, and that it poses as an entrepreneurial embryo for them to develop and leave room for others in the future.

He also explained that the companies that are implemented have all the logistical support and advice of technical resources;

And encouraged the entrepreneurs of Totana to use these model facilities.

The new Nursery of Companies is a fundamental element that articulates the creation of business vocations, through a complete process of training and mentoring entrepreneurs until their definitive implementation in the market.

The Nursery of Companies belongs to the INFO Nursery Network and is also part of the Nursery Network of the INCYDE Foundation.

The entrepreneur is expressly obliged to have as many licenses, registrations, authorizations or permits as are necessary for the development of the business activity within the Business Nursery.

The entrepreneur is obliged to maintain his space and other facilities of the Nursery of Companies in perfect state of conservation, cleanliness, and cleanliness, being personally and directly responsible for the damages that would be caused by causes imputable to him.

In addition, the expenses derived from the consumption of electricity and telephone will be borne by the entrepreneur;

The consumption of water and other supplies, use of the fax, photocopier and printer;

The taxes, taxes, contributions and other charges corresponding to the business or imposed by reason thereof;

And any other that is derived from the activity undertaken, as well as all those that the Department of Employment and Economic Development does not assume explicitly.

The schedule for the ships will be free, being able to establish each assignee the most suitable for the development of their activity within the current legality;

And the center (common areas, offices and nests) will be from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 15:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00 hours.

Exceptionally, it is possible to authorize the stay in the Nursery of Companies outside such a schedule, following a written request to the Department of Employment and Local Development, in charge of the management of the nursery.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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