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It meets, for the first time, the commission of investigation that will clarify the authorship of the alleged false allegations to the PGMO (09/05/2017)

The commission of investigation on the supposed false allegations of the General Municipal Plan of Management of Totana has met, for the first time, giving fulfillment to the plenary agreement in order to carry out works that allow to clarify the authorship of these.

The municipal plenum approved last April the creation of this commission, whose work and conclusions will have to be reported later in the plenary body.

The commission is chaired by the mayor, Juan José Cánovas, made up of a member of each of the municipal groups, and assisted by the secretary general of the municipal corporation.

In the same agreement, it was decided to transfer the work done by the investigative commission to the Public Prosecutor's Office in case the facts could constitute crimes.

The corporate analyzed the technical reports made by the municipal workers in this matter, from which it is clear that in the end, there were 2,708 people who presented, in this process, a total of 16,146 allegations.

Of these, 2,210 allegations were in line with the municipal register, which registered 13,196 allegations.

According to the same study, a total of four minors filed 32 allegations and 29 deceased reported 201 allegations.

It is also the circumstance, according to the same report, that there are 153 names of people repeated with different ID (typographical errors) that have presented a total of 875 allegations, and 247 cases of users with bad ID that have registered 1,540 allegations.

Dead people

This commission is being held as a result of the public complaint made at the beginning of last April by the Ganar Totana-IU Municipal Group, which stated that Cebag, and specifically its president, registered allegations to the plan using the identity of Dead people, some since 2008.

It was also stated that dozens of neighbors had brought this group to the attention of the group, that their names and that of their families, including minors, had been used to present allegations at the check-in with their ignorance.

The Plenary agreed to take measures to investigate the facts and clarify the authorship of these in case there is a possible manipulation with the purpose of transfer to the corresponding judicial body to clear any judicial responsibility.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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