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XX Bike Marathon City of Totana Last Sunday Totana hosted the most legendary test of the Mountain Bike of the Region of Murcia, the XX edition of the Bike Marathon City of Totana (see official video of the test) (09/05/2017)

Last Sunday April 30th, one more year Totana hosted the most legendary test of the BTT of the Region of Murcia, the XX edition of the Bike Marathon Totana City Grand Prix UFL

On a magnificent spring day and with a success in terms of the great influx of public and especially of participation, where it reached the maximum limit of 300 registered, the test was given at 09:30 in the morning to cover The 50 km of the long route and the 32 of the short route, which took place in an incomparable environment such as the natural park of Sierra Espuña.

Punctual test for the BTT Circuit of the Region of Murcia, so there were not missing, the corridors that are more in shape, the panorama of Murcia and the Spanish Levante, and of course the current leaders of the circuit Murcia.

Ismael Sánchez Adán of 33 Bike was the absolute winner, being the winner in the Female category the local runner, Lidia Fernández, of AD Peña las Nueve de Totana, both current leaders of Mountain Bike Circuit of the Region of Murcia, after Having played two events.

Also noteworthy is the magnificent race Juan Carlos Gandía (Tropy), 1º Local, 2nd in his category M30 A and 5th in the general.

Much of the praise went to the organization, which demonstrated its experience after twenty years organizing this test.

This organization was in the hands of the AD Peña at nine along with Terra Sport Cycling and with the collaboration FCRM, Department of Sports of the City of Totana and Civil Protection of Totana.

A great catering for participants and volunteers put the finishing touches.

And of course, as always, this would not have been possible, without the indispensable collaboration of the sponsors and volunteers, for them our sincere thanks, together with the participants and the audience.

You motivate us to see us in the XXI BIKE MARATON CITY OF TOTANA.

Sport is one of the biggest tourist attractions, so this binomial, sport and tourism, is one of the bets in which public institutions, both local and regional, must be turned over so that, in a sustainable way, our region is a Destination of sports tourism and that the sporting events that take place there, have the repercussion and the support they deserve.

First Sort by categories:

Length 50 km.

Sub 23: José Fco. Rubio

Female Elite: Mari Carmen Arellano

Female Master 30: Lidas Fernández Martínez

Junior: Mariano Hernández

Master 30 A: Jorge Fajardo

Master 30 B: Fco. Javier Román

Master 40 A: Salvador Ayala

Master 40 B: José López Ramal

Master 50 A: Manuel Martínez Costa

Master 50 B: José Erades

Master 60: Antonio Pérez.

Best Cycloneurist Men: Juan Pablo Barco

Best Female Cyclisturist Time: Catia Do Rosario

Short Course 32 km

1st Male Position: David Red Mellado

Women's 1st: Laura Alcaraz Morata

Classification of Premises:

1º Juan Carlos Gandía García, 5th in the General and 2nd M30 A

2nd Manuel Fuella Crespo, 11th in the Genera and 4th M30 A

3rd Ginés Cánovas Oliver, 30th in the General and 6th M30A

Source: Terra Sport Cycling

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