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The delegation of Lourdes de Totana participated in the tradition of the Cross in Muchamiel (Alicante) (08/05/2017)

The delegation of Lourdes de Totana moved last Saturday May 6 to participate in the tradition of the Cross in the town Alicante of Muchamiel.

Said delegation in 2013 pilgrimed carrying the image of the Virgin of Lourdes where all the people came to receive it, music, mass, procession and kiss feet, among other activities.

Last year, according to the tradition of the people, the Lourdes delegation stole the Cross and according to tradition the robber does not have to say it until a month before the next year.

And the delegation of Totana was the one who did the robbery;

"For this reason this year we were in charge of giving the flowers and make it", stand out from the delegation totanera.

"A day of coexistence and fun where together with the association of festivals of Rabalet we walk the Cross for El Barrio to lately plant it at the door of the hermitage of the virgin of Monserrat to wait in a few days to steal it again."

Source: Delegación de Lourdes de Totana

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