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New podium for Totana Athletics Club, this time at CXM Aledo - Sierra Espuña (08/05/2017)

This Sunday 7 of May, was celebrated in the town of Aledo the fifth edition of CXM Aledo - Sierra Espuña, Memorial Antonio Cánovas.

Organized by the local Board of Aledo of the Spanish Association against Cancer, association to which the benefits are allotted.

In this race have participated several members of the Club Athletics of Totana, and several poddium have been harvested.

The first CAT racer to enter the finish line was Bartolomé Sánchez Muñoz, with a time of 2 hours 9 minutes and 29 seconds, being third in the general and in his Senior Male category, then Raul Cifuentes would arrive, with a time of 2 Hours 13 minutes and 35 seconds, leaving fourth in the general and first in his Veteran A Male category, the next to enter the serious goal Jose Carlos Gonzales, with a time of 2 hours 31 minutes and 55 seconds, leaving tenth in his Veteran category A, after this would arrive Jesus Martinez, then would arrive Jose Rufete, after this Ismael Rubio, then would Hipólito Alcaraz, then would cross the goal Carlos Ballester, followed by this came Juan Mario Molina, then would arrive Bartolomé Sánchez García, which would remain the Sixth in his category of Veterans B, the next to finish the race would be Juan José Robles, then finish the runner Juan Antonio Martinez Cánovas,

Closing the participation of CAT, would arrive Juan Ambit.

There was also a female representation of the CAT, who would perform the Short Course, Ruth Maria, María José Cano and María José Rodríguez.

The absolute winners were Francisco Serrano men with 2 hours and 5 minutes, and women María Belén López Peñalver with a time of 2 hours 45 minutes and 44 seconds.

Source: Club Atletismo de Totana

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