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The poet and professor of Spanish Literature, Luis García Montero, offers the talk "Invitation to the poetry" (08/05/2017)

The poet and professor of Spanish Literature of the University of Granada, Luis García Montero, offers the talk entitled "Invitation to Poetry" this Thursday, May 11, at the theater of the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center, From 8:30 p.m.

The event is organized by the Cultural Center and Worker of Totana, and has the collaboration of the Department of Culture of the City of Totana;

An activity that is framed within the "Totana Cultural" program for this two-month period.

Luis García Montero (Granada, 1958) is the author of eleven poetry books and several books of essay.

He received the National Adonais Prize in 1982 for "The Foreign Garden", the Loewe Prize in 1993 and the National Prize for Literature in 1994 for "Separate Rooms".

In 2003, with "The intimacy of the snake" was deserved the National Prize of Criticism.

He has also been awarded the Andalusian Gold Medal, the title of Honorary and Academic Professor of the Illustrious University of Mar del Plata and the appointment of Favorite Son of Andalusia.

In addition, he is a regular collaborator of different national media such as the "Cadena SER" and the digital newspaper "Infolibre", among others.


Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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