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Plenary of inauguration of the second round of municipal government to be presided over by Andrés García Cánovas will be June 24 (06/05/2017)

The City Council of Totana will hold the municipal plenary session of the inauguration of the second round of municipal government in this legislature, which will chair the last two years Andrés García Cánovas, on June 24 at the "La Cárcel" Sociocultural Center, 12:00 p.m.

This formal institutional act will comply with the municipal government agreement set by Ganar Totana-IU and PSOE after the municipal elections held on May 24, 2015, under which the 2015/19 legislature would be chaired by the head of the list of Each of these political formations for two years each.

The agreement between the two formations contemplated the alternation in the Mayor's Office, so Andrés García, number one of the PSOE, will be the first mayor the last two years of this legislature as of the date indicated;

And Juan José Cánovas, leader of Ganar Totana-IU, happens to be the deputy mayor.

With this plenary session, Andrés García Cánovas will replace Juan José Cánovas in the City Hall of Totana, who has held this institutional representation during the first two years of his mandate, while the rest of councils and delegations will remain the same.

The Municipal Corporation of Totana is made up of 21 councilors, of whom 6 are from Ganar Totana-Izquierda Unida, 6 from the Socialist Party, 8 from the Partido Popular and 1 from C's-Partido de la Ciudadanía.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Foto: archivo Totana.com

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