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Inkeys celebrates its 15th anniversary with a concert (05/05/2017)

On the occasion of its XV Anniversary, the totanero group Inkeys will perform next May 13, from 19:00 hours, in the square of the Technological Center of Handicraft Region of Murcia (CTA) in Totana , located next to the Arch of The Ollerías.

This concert will be recorded in audio and video for its later release.

The band has been preparing the performance for several months with their producer Pepe Ludeña, carrying out a review of their musical career with a very careful selection of their songs, to give them a more intimate and special character, and in which they will also present new songs .

That day will be accompanied by TR! K !, that already produced a remix of "I do not have the control" of the last disc of Inkeys, contributing percussions, keyboards and synths.

To complete the event will perform, before and after the concert, Todoindie DJs and The Hijole to complete a magical evening in celebration of the anniversary of the group.

This event will also have bar service.

Admission is free.

Inkeys were born in 2003, the result of other projects that came together in a more mature adult, in which the power of guitars and pop sensibility had room.

After recording his first self-published EP "It's a Reaction" in 2005 and touring various venues and festivals in the Region of Murcia, in 2008 they are placed under the baton of Raul de Lara to record "XI Reasons To Lose the Dream", longed for First LP of the band that would open the doors of important festivals like SOS 4.8 (Murcia) or Sonorama Ribera (Burgos), and to be fruit of the looks of programs of reputation of Radio 3 like 180 Degrees (Virginia Diaz) or Captain Demo ( Julio Ródenas), arriving in 2010 to record for the prestigious Concerts of Radio 3.

After a couple of years composing and focusing on other personal projects, in the middle of 2014 they are put to the orders of Pepe Ludeña in Loopers Studio, to give form to a second LP that gathers all the experiences and turns of the band.

In 2015 sees the light "Catastrophia", the expected second album of Inkeys.

The album is the result of a long and tedious process, with changes of formation and a spirit darker and closer to rock and roll and experimentation than previous releases, but without giving up that pop sensibility that has characterized them.

Source: Inkeys / Fotos: Estudio Polar

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