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The Councilor for Citizen Services appreciates very positively the implementation of the Office of Virtual Registration (ORVE) in the City (05/05/2017)

The Councilor for Citizen Attention and Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruiz, has very positively valued the results that has led in the City of Totana the implementation since last February of the Office of Virtual Registration (ORVE) as an access mechanism To the Common Electronic Registry and to the System of Interconnection of Registers.

ORVE / SIR is the Office of Entities Virtual Registration, that is, a computer system capable of interconnecting the registration offices of the different public administrations (state, regional, provincial and local) attached.

This consists of an electronic administration service in the cloud offered to all Public Administrations, which allows the electronic processing with digitization in the public service posts, multiplies the administrative efficiency, since the reception in destination is done in minutes whatever Either its geographical location or competent management level and the shipping costs are greatly reduced.

As explained by the mayor, the paper documentation is returned to the citizen, and it is the image of the documents which is forwarded, eliminating the paper in the offices of registration and attention to the citizen.

The mayor of Citizen Care has indicated that its implementation is a major breakthrough in achieving the objectives set by laws 39/2015, of 1 October, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations and Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, which implies an organizational and functional change in which registration offices acquire an essential role in the administrative procedure.

Gertrudis Ruiz has informed of the good reception that has had on the part of the citizenship the implementation of this service, whose result has allowed to count, for three months that has been put in place, about half thousand administrative actions.

In this regard, it has been pointed out that 322 registrations have been made in the Citizen Service to the different Public Administrations of the Spanish territory;

Plus 140 registrations received, from the presentation of documentation addressed to the toistance Consistory through the different offices ORVE or any other electronic register.

Ruiz recalled that any citizen who has a digital signature or DNIe can submit, by himself, all the documentation he wants through the General Access Point of the Electronic State Register (https://administracion.gob.es/pag_Home/ AtencionCiudadana / OficinasAtencion / REC.html) without needing to go to the Citizen's Service of this City Council or any other registry of another Public Administration, from his house, every day of the year during the twenty-four hours, thus avoiding unnecessary queues.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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