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Bidding for the project of conditioning the road that leaves the CEIP "Luis Pérez Rueda" (04/05/2017)

The Department of Works and Municipal Infrastructures is planning to tender in the coming months the project of conditioning the road that leaves the CEIP "Luis Pérez Rueda", in the outskirts of the Tirol-Camilleri neighborhood, with a budget of 22,031.92 euros , According to its owner, Víctor Balsas.

The City of Totana has been working for several months with the technicians of the Directorate General of Rural Development and Forestry of the Autonomous Community to find a technical solution that allows a long-term alternative to the only exit road that has the school with the Order to condition it in the best possible way.

In this regard, the mayor said that this road can not be paved because it is a cattle route and the autonomous legislation do not allow it to do so;

And noted that the technical solution being studied is a mixture of gravel-cement that is on the firm of the vial.

Councilman Víctor Balsas explained that this is the most timely technical recommendation suggested by the technicians of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment for being a novel technique, which ensures that the road signs are in "optimum conditions";

And advocated that this solution be finalized for the next academic year 2017/18.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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