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The Cultural Association "Box of Seeds" continues the round of presentation of books and literary authors on the occasion of the Book Day (04/05/2017)

The Cultural Association "Box of Seeds", in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the City of Totana, continues with the round of presentations of books and literary authors, scheduled for these days on the occasion of the Book Day events.

In fact, last Wednesday, April 26, the activity took place the presentation of the novel "Patio armchair", by Antonio Parra, "Libro Murciano'2016".

Last Friday, April 28, Lola Gutiérrez Sánchez, "Libro Murciano'2015" was also presented in the exhibition room "Gregorio Cebrián".

The author was accompanied in his presentation by Juan Ruiz, representative of the Cultural Association "Box of Seeds", entity that organized the act, as well as the Councilor for Finance, Ana María Cánovas.

Also, tomorrow Friday, May 5, will present the novel "Ae renasci" by Pedro García Giménez, finalist of the Book Murciano 2016.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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