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"Preel" and "Crepería Softon" teams qualify for the "Clean Play" Football Cup Final (03/05/2017)

The Sports Department reports that last Saturday, April 29, the semi-finals of the Football Cup "Fair Play", organized by this municipal department, was held in the Valverde Reina Sports City, where the teams "Preel" And "Creperie Softon" were classified for the final.

The match in which the final will take place will take place next Saturday May 6, starting at 18.00 hours, also in the Sport City "Valverde Reina", according to sources inform this Council.

In the first semi-final, the team "Preel" defeated the team "Cafeteria El Faro" in a match closely matched, which ended with a draw with two goals in the regular time, having to reach therefore the penalty shootout.

And in the second semifinal, the "Crepería Softon" team clearly won "Pizzeria Tumar Los Cachorros", with a final score of 5-1.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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