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Technicians of the Department of Sports learn the use and management of defibrillators (03/05/2017)

Municipal technicians and maintenance staff of the Council of Sports of the City of Totana are receiving training during these days for the proper use and management of defibrillators in order to endow the public sports facilities of the so-called cardioprotected spaces.

The training sessions are being taught by specialists from the company "Arcaelum TechFor Life", an entity based in the field of health training outside the hospital and in charge of training in basic life support techniques, management of defibrillators, advanced life support and promotion Of courses in this area.

The City of Totana last month joined a long list of municipalities in the Region of Murcia that have "cardioprotegidas" their municipal sports facilities for the prevention of sportsmen and amateurs, under the agreement of collaboration signed with the Football Federation of the Region of Murcia (FFRM).

The FFRM delivered eight defibrillators to cover the needs of the different sports public infrastructures of the municipality, which will be installed in the football and soccer-hall areas distributed by the municipality, such as the Valverde Reina Sports Complex, Valle Guadalentín "(2) of El Paretón, municipal stadium" Juan Cayuela ", Polideportivo Municipal" 6 de diciembre ", Pavilion of Sports" Manolo Ibáñez "(2) and Sala Escolar.

The agreement established that the Consistory totanero committed to the installation of donated equipment in the football fields and pavilions cited;

As well as to promote the training of the monitors and to ensure the proper use and maintenance of the equipment once installed in the sports infrastructures.

This initiative has been developed in view of the need to implement cardioprotected areas that are equipped with defibrillators, appropriately trained people and other elements to act quickly against sudden cardiac arrest as the first intervener until the arrival of emergency services, according to Explained the Councilor for Sports, Isabel María Molino.

The mayor stressed the importance of being the municipal technicians of the Council who are trained in this matter as it is the staff that spend more time in municipal facilities and who can better target users.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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