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Work continues on conditioning the margins of the Sports Road to improve the safety of drivers and pedestrians (03/05/2017)

The Department of City Services and Infrastructures continues to undertake work on conditioning both sides of the road on the Sports Road with the purpose of improving the safety of drivers and passers-by of this communication route which is one of the busiest in the outskirts Of Totana.

The works, which are expected to be completed this week, are being carried out by the workers of this Council and consist of cleaning and refilling concrete from both sides of the road.

These are being carried out on this rural road from the west ring road to the immediate vicinity of the municipal sports center "6 de Diciembre", whose budget amounts to more than 2,000 euros.

The conditioning of this road on both sides facilitates driving on a relatively narrow road, avoiding the growth of shrubs and bushes in these spaces and facilitate the accessibility and use of pedestrians who use this route for leisure sports and free time, according to Explained the mayor of the branch, Víctor Balsas.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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