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The president of COATO receives the Golden Almond (02/05/2017)

Last Saturday the 29th was held in Zamoranos de Priego (Córdoba) the sixth edition of the National Sectoral Meeting of the almond and the dried fruit, in the framework of the Museum of the almond Francisco Morales.

The sectoral meeting was developed around several technical talks in which the varieties and other aspects of the cultivation and of the market of the almond were deepened, such as the differentiation of the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of organic Spanish almond, with respect to the Conventional and imported from the USA;

Aspects the latter on which gave a very pedagogical talk the Professor of the University of Valencia, Maria Dolores Raigón.

As was also of great interest the intervention of the Professor of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and former director of FAO, José Esquinas, who together with Francisco Casero, President of the SAVIA Foundation and Professor Raigón, made some very interesting and brilliant reflections , In the course of the roundtable that he made the climax of the Day, titled: "Let's make food our battle trolley."

At the end of the Technical Day, awards were given to the "Almendra de Oro 2017" from the Museum of the Almond Francisco Morales, which this year the Jury awarded the owner of a model farm in Castilla-La Mancha, the President of COATO and the President of the SAVIA Foundation, Francisco Casero.

The Jury of the "Almendra de Oro" Awards valued the award to José Luis Hernández of this award, for his long history of representing agri-food organizations and the ecological sector, both in Murcia and nationally, as well as in Brussels, At the same time as a representative of COATO, which has been constituted in its trajectory, in a reference company of the sector of the almond and the ecological sector, at national and European level;

As well as one of the most prized and recognized in the Spanish agri-food sector.

José Luis Hernández stated in a brief speech that he was the only visible face of a cooperative company with more than 3,000 members and 38 years of activity, and he thanked both the members of the Jury and the Museum of the Almond Francisco Morales , As hosts and sponsors of the Prize, while emphasizing that it was a great honor to receive the recognition together with a person such as Paco Casero, to whom both the Spanish organic sector in general and COATO in particular owed, and with whom COATO collaborates as Patron in the Foundation SAVIA that he presides over.

The delivery of the Golden Almond to José Luis Hernández was done by Francisco Morales, President of the Almond Museum and the Business Group of the Morales Family, along with the Delegate of Agriculture of the Junta de Andalucía in Córdoba, Francisco Zurera, That intervened to close the act.

Source: COATO

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