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Municipal authorities meet with the families of users of the José Moyá Trilla Day Center (02/05/2017)

The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, and Councilor for Social Welfare, Javier Baños, have recently met with the families of the Day Center "José Moyá Trilla" in order to evaluate and monitor the provision of services Before the end of this course.

In this meeting, which also attended the professionals of the center, different issues of general interest were addressed for users and family.

First, a review of the operation of the center in recent months, reviewing the agreement that the City Council has signed with the IMAS and which includes important aspects of development, such as opening days, hours of care, services, programs and workshops .

On the other hand, the municipal officials explained some needs that the Day Center "José Moyá Trilla" has, as well as some improvement projects that would be very important and would bring benefits to the quality of life of the users.

Among these improvement projects is the roofing of the gymnasium and ceramic warehouses, which would give this infrastructure more space, taking into account the growth of users, already in 34 and considering that there is an important waiting list.

The relatives in attendance also expressed their opinion on the issues discussed, raised some doubts and expressed their satisfaction with the operation of the center in recent months.

Both authorities, family and professionals valued this meeting in a very positive way, since it favors the rapprochement, dialogue, the exchange of opinions and above all gives the possibility of working together to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. Municipality of Totana.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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