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The Municipal School Council proposes to start the 2017/18 course in Early Childhood and Primary Education on September 8 (02/05/2017)

The Municipal Council of Totana, meeting last week under the chairmanship of the Councilor for Education and Culture, Eulalia Moreno, approved the proposal of school calendar in the municipality of Totana for the course 2017/2018, which will be sent to the Autonomous Community Of the Region of Murcia for final approval.

In it, the start and end dates of the course are proposed in the different educational levels in this municipality, as well as the holidays and local festivities or non-teaching days for the festivities of the patron in the different teachings.

At the initiative of the school councils of the educational centers of the municipality, it has been proposed to the General Directorate of Educational Centers of the Ministry of Education the beginning of Early Childhood and Primary Education (September 8), ESO, Baccalaureate and Adult Education (September 18 ) And Vocational Training (September 25).

In all of the teachings the end of course date would be June 22, 2018.

In addition, periods of school holidays would be between December 24 to January 6 (Christmas), and from March 26 to 30 (Easter Week).

Likewise, the following festivities are established for the corresponding teachers: November 27, 2017 (Early Childhood and Primary Education), January 29, 2018 (ESO, Bachillerato, EOI and Adult Education) and February 2, 2018 (Vocational Training).

Local holidays (unscheduled for work purposes determined by the municipality) are set as December 11, 2017 and January 13, 2018, respectively.

Likewise, other non-school days included in the proposal of the school calendar are the 13 of October and 7 of December of the 2017;

And on April 2, 3 and 30, 2018.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Foto: archivo Totana.com

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