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Persons interested in participating in the program "Regional Employment Councils '2017 'must apply until May 17 (02/05/2017)

Those interested in participating in any of the shifts of the "County Councils" program for 2017 must submit the applications to the Employment and Training Service (SEF) of the Autonomous Community, in the office of Totana, from today until the Next May 17th.

The Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment of the Autonomous Community of Murcia has issued the order of the program to promote rural employment through subsidies to local corporations for hiring workers for the implementation of projects of general and social interest.

Requests addressed to the director general of the SEF will be filled in the standard model preferably in the registers of the SEF Employment offices of each municipality or through the corporate offices of Citizen Attention in the city councils.

The application form can be obtained from any of the SEF Employment Offices or online at www.secarm.es/consejoscomarcales;

And only one application per worker will be allowed.

The requirements and the bases for the procedure of selection and presentation of requests to participate in the program "District Councils" are published in the BORM and in the Bulletin Board of the City of Totana.

The "Regional Councils" project is a program to promote rural employment, through subsidies to local corporations for hiring workers to carry out projects of general and social interest.

The scope of the program are the municipalities of Abarán, Albudeite, Aledo, Alhama de Murcia, Archena, Blanca, Calasparra, Campos del Rio, Caravaca, Cehegín, Cieza, Librilla, Moratalla, Mula, Eyes, Pliego, Puerto Lumbreras, Ricote, Totana , Ulea and Villanueva del Río Segura.

Almost 1,500 unemployed will be hired in almost half of the municipalities of the Region in the coming months through this program, whose regional monitoring commission has approved the distribution of a total of 4,590,987.92 euros, paid in full by the Ministry Employment and Social Security, through the Public Employment Service (SEPE) to boost the labor market and favor the situation of workers in the Special System of Agricultural Workers in depressed rural areas.

Of this budget, the municipality of Totana will receive a total of 362,822.22 euros.

Specifically, the distribution of funds among the 22 municipalities included in this program, grouped in the county councils of Cieza, Lorca, Mula and Caravaca de la Cruz, was approved, and will allow the hiring of more than one thousand temporary employees in The Special System of Workers.

These subsidies finance the salary costs and business contributions of contractors who will carry out their work by carrying out projects of general and social interest.

In the call corresponding to the last financial year 2016, a total of 36 reports were presented for the execution of projects of general interest, which involved the hiring of a total of 1,327 unemployed persons, who carried out their work for a period of three Months.

The beginning of the works varies according to the town councils, because the project must coincide with periods of low agricultural activity, in order to favor the work of eventual agrarians outside the campaigns.

For this year it is foreseen that the municipalities can start the projects during the second half of July.

The duration of the activity oscillates between the two and the nine months, taking care of the special circumstances of each municipality.

Within the functions of monitoring and control of the projects executed by the consistories, technical staff of the State Employment Service makes visits to the work of the approved reports to verify that the legal requirements are met.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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