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Videos of Holy Week 2017 of Totana.com exceed one million reproductions (01/05/2017)

(On these lines, a video-summary of the transfers of Holy Thursday and the procession of the Holy Burial)

Yesterday ended the special campaign Totana.com launched on the occasion of Holy Week 2017. The campaign, which started on Ash Wednesday, included all Lent, Holy Week and concluded with the days of coexistence that Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods traditionally celebrate the Holy Week.

The videos of Holy Week 2017 Totana.com have been a success since today, once the campaign is over, it has exceeded one million views on Facebook.

In total, more than 50 videos have been published of all Lenten events and cults, as well as processions and transfers of Holy Week, among others.

More than 30 hours of production that have generated more than one million reproductions, according to the figures offered by Facebook.

The video of the meeting in the 4 corners of Santa Maria Cleofé, Santa Maria Magdalena and the Samaritan is the most viewed with more than 46,000 reproductions, followed by the Holy Thursday morning transfers (more than 44,300) and the Santo Entierro Procession (More than 42,200).

Also emphasizes the Day of the Nazarene Music (34,400) and the transfers of Holy Monday (33,400).

The average number of reproductions per video is 19,000 reproductions.

HD videos

It should be noted that all videos have been uploaded with HD quality.

Thanks to the 300 Megas symmetric fiber offered by the company totanera Azurita System, it has been possible to upload videos even of several Gigas in a matter of minutes.

It is recommended to activate the option HD in the video player of Facebook to appreciate all the details.


Also, as a novelty this year all the sponsors of the photographic reports of Holy Week also appear in the videos, which is undoubtedly a magnificent showcase.

A million thanks

From Totana.com we want to thank all the sponsors for having trusted us, since without them it would not have been possible to carry out this display of photos and videos, as well as the thousands and thousands of users who follow us day by day, since Without them none of this would make sense.

Complete videos as well as photo reports can be found at www.totana.com/weeks

Source: Totana.com

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