The Professor of Administrative Law Santiago González-Varas, valued last night in the talk held in the Assembly Hall of CEBAG, on the General Plan of Urban Planning (PGMO) of Totana, which after the Revocation by the Councilor for Development of the Plan approved in 2011 for the urban area, although the processing procedure of the PMWP had to be restarted.
Either it had to have initiated a lesividad procedure, to identify the possible rights generated from 2011 to 2017, which will detect the alleged "substantial errors" that would have motivated the Revocation of the Plan and caused the affection of thousands of Housing and property to an out of order or out of standard situation, which generates damages to the heritage of many citizens.
González-Varas also advised that in the allegations that he planned to present until next Tuesday 17, he asked for the identification of the political positions and officials that could have intervened in 2011, in causing the alleged serious errors that have caused the annulment of the PGMO of the Urban helmet
After the talk, there was a lively debate for more than an hour, between some of the participants and the speaker, which was very interesting because they spoke the Exalcaldesa and PP Spokesman, Isabel Mª Sánchez, the urbanist architect Felipe Iracheta, the Regional Deputy , Alfonso Martínez Baños, as well as representatives of PODEMOS and the Coordinator "Another Plan is possible", in addition to other professionals and business people attending the event.
The President of CEBAG thanked all the participants for their contributions to the debate and appreciated that the Mayor and the Government Team should have led to similar public debates and especially that it was necessary for citizens to know what the content of the Plan was and how it affected (PP, Citizens and PSOE), to transfer to their Municipal Groups, the need to extend for at least one more month, the period of public exhibition that ends next Tuesday On the 21st of March.
José Luis Hernández, also thanked, at the beginning and the end of the event, the presence of Professor González-Varas because he considered that a professional of his prestige and high level and reputation is a luxury and a pride for CEBAG, that has been given to participate And to make the public assessment of his opinion, on the form of processing of the PGMO, after the Revocation of the Plan of 2011 by the Minister of Development on February 16.
Source: CEBAG / Fotos: y CEBAG