The Local Police of Totana has arrested during the past weekend four people for a crime against security for driving motor vehicles under the effects of alcoholic beverages during the checks carried out on the occasion of the Carnival festivities.
According to sources in the Headquarters, the four detainees were up to five times the limits allowed, and all of them were surprised when they circulated along the avenue Juan Carlos I of this town.
In addition, the local police agents intervened in two traffic accidents without injuries that occurred during the weekend;
And attended the requests for support of the Civil Guard of Totana in alterations of order and other issues related to the circulation of vehicles in the urban area.
The Local Police has ensured road safety during the two carnival parades that took place last weekend and wants to thank the citizens for their collaboration, which has facilitated the normal development of the parades during the planned urban itineraries.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana