As we could see in the extraordinary plenary this week, the positions among the members of the Government Team regarding the approval of the General Plan are very distant and irreconcilable.
This distancing and problems of understanding between the PSOE and IU-Ganar Totana are seriously damaging the processing of the document and the general interests of the neighbors.
The PP of Totana has always maintained since the last legislature the same approach that would make it possible to speed up the Plan that is so necessary for the economic and social development of our people, putting the general interests before the individuals of a few.
The PSOE should explain clearly and loudly the changes it has had with a thousand swings and excuses in the subject of the General Plan and the damage it is causing to advance.
In addition, the PP demands that the PSOE stop fooling and create social alarm to neighbors, as they are presenting this document as something apocalyptic when it really is a living document and necessary for the development of the town of Totana.
Mr. Mayor and his Municipal Team is unable to convince his government partner of what really interests the neighbors of Totana and is tied hand and foot in this issue before the paralysis that the PSOE claims.
To this is added the paralysis that has the Council of Urbanism for some time, whose technicians do not know who to obey, whether the Councilors of the PSOE or Mr. Mayor and IU-Win Totana.
The only thing that the neighbors of Totana are seeing are the constant rifirrafes in social networks between a Government Team that is not able to sit down to mark a road map, not only in the PGMO but in all the other subjects that make that a Town advance or pond as is happening to Totana.
Source: PP Totana