This morning, it was again news that the City of Lorca will have to return 8 million euros for urban agreements that did not develop and before which only the formation of Izquierda Unida in Lorca opposed at the time.
Already on previous occasions we remember how Totana PP expressed solidarity with its Lorca counterparts before the desolate panorama left by their predecessors in the consistory, we would like to know, what name they deserve in our town.
The City of Totana has already had to deal with the first wave of firm decisions on money that was entered from the urban agreements that the PP signed in the boom years and then spent with total irresponsibility and lack of transparency in Full whirlwind of speculation.
Up to 15 million euros reaches the figure that the totaneros and totaneras we have to give back to the promoters of these agreements that will never be carried out, to which we must add the judicial costs of the processes that considerably increase the figure.
"Still from Ganar Totana we are waiting for the PP to explain to the neighbors the following questions: What were the almost 20 million that were entered from the urban agreements? Formalize the refunds and not have to accept another Aid Plan, as happened in the past months? Which city council staff supervised the income and expenditure of money for the concept of urban development agreements? Is the PP ever going to assume its very grave Moral and political responsibilities in the face of a question that has led to the ruin of a people? "
Despite the difficulties, we will continue working to stabilize the economic situation of the City Council, adopting serious measures in order to channel the exit of this complicated situation.
All the steps being taken in this direction, such as the renegotiation of bank loans, the two million euro settlements negotiated by the Mayor with the creditors of the debt, the approval of a plan of Adjustment for the first time In history, etc., are some of the measures and actions that place us in a better present position and facing the future.
"From Ganar Totana we once again make a call to sanity to the Popular Party, we invite you to give the relevant explanations regarding the expenditure and waste that took place in this consistory and assume their responsibilities as the cause of the ruin in which we We invite you to abandon this destructive opposition that you are trying to block in order to block any improvement in the economic situation of the town hall. And we remember that our hand is still tended to carry out a public debate that lays the foundations for a Common Front in which The political groups acquire commitments of the future, so as not to deviate from the path of recovery that with so much effort we are initiating. "
Source: Ganar Totana IU