Totana Wastewater Treatment Plant (EDAR) will host a community experimentation project, called "Life Sto3re", which aims to protect the aquatic environment from pollution caused by sludge from other treatment plants and livestock waste, as well as Develop a model of joint management of sludge produced in these, small and medium size, and slurry of farms.
Responsible of the company FACSA that is in charge of the management of the WWTP of Totana have recently met with the Councilor of Water and Sewer, Antonia Camacho, and municipal technicians of his department with the objective of presenting to them this research project, development and innovation (R & D & I) to be carried out in this infrastructure.
The "Life Sto3re" is a demonstration project framed within the LIFE 2014 call, with a total budget of more than 1,9 million euros, which has a duration of 40 months and is expected to end in December 2018.
The main objective is to protect the aquatic environment from pollution caused by nitrates, pathogenic microorganisms and organic micro-pollutants from sludge from sewage treatment plants and livestock waste.
The technology to be applied consists of the combination of anaerobic digestion in double phase of temperature, together with oxidation by addition of ozone and hydrodynamic cavitation, with which the process is intended to separate the main phases of the anaerobic digestion to maximize the production of biogas .
Ozonation and hydrodynamic cavitation are applied as pre and post-treatment of the co-substrate with the triple objective of reducing micro-contaminants, pathogen content and increasing biogas production.
From this system, a biofertilizer of high quality and biogas will be obtained to self-sufficiency supply the system of codigestión management of sludge and slurry.
The project is designed for rural areas in which a centralized system for the management of sludge from small sewage plants and nitrogen-rich waste such as slurry will reduce investment and operating costs.
The demonstration plant will be located in the Totana WWTP and sludge from the EDARS of Aledo, Librilla, Alhama, Mazarrón, Puerto Lumbreras and Totana will be managed, and slurry from 5 nearby farms.
Specific objectives of the project are to reduce the impact of slurry and sewage sludge on surface water and groundwater, reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions from slurry storage and design a Model of joint management of sludge and waste for rural areas.
In addition, we want to maximize biogas production, guarantee a quality biofertilizer and study the effect of the biofertilizer obtained on crops in the environment.
"Life Sto3re" will be developed by the consortium made up of five Spanish partners from the scientific, public and private environment, such as FACSA managing Totana-, ESAMUR, IPROMA, AINIA and CEBAS-CSIC.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana