As usual in recent years, Peña Barcelonista de Totana has started its solidarity activities for this new year 2017 with a visit to the Day Center for people with disabilities José Moya Trilla, and the Day Center for people with mental illness.
In both visits, PB Totana executives, led by their president Juan Carrión, and on the occasion of these holidays and Kings, have distributed gifts related to FCBarcelona, ​​bringing the illusion to the people of both Centers.
The main novelty of this year has been that during the visit have been present the figures of Messi and Iniesta, through the solidarity dolls acquired last year by PB Totana, and which have delighted everyone present.
These are activities that are part of the program of solidarity that develops the PB Totana in the municipality of Totana and the region of Murcia.
Source: PB Totana