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10396 Lifting the suspension of the "Special Days"
The Plenum of the City Council, in an ordinary session held on November 24, 2016, approved a joint proposal of the Councilors of Human Resources, Treasury and Citizen Security for the restitution of night and public holidays suspended by plenary agreement dated June 28 Of 2012 (BORM of July 4, 2012), whose operative part consists of the following agreements:
First, lift the suspension of the "Special Days" declared full agreement dated June 28, 2012 (BORM July 4, 2012) in the sense of restoring the right to remuneration for public holidays and night under the conditions set out in the Agreement signed by the trade union representatives at the General Negotiation Board, which will be in force from March 2016, and subject to the existing credit set forth in the Report of Ms. Interventora, with the following conditions:
1.- The General Negotiating Board unanimously agrees to assume the proposal of this group and, therefore, the recovery and restoration of the supplements of public holidays and nightly regulated in articles 25.7 of the Framework Agreement and Collective Agreement of the Ilmo.
Totana City Council, extending it to all public employees of the City Council, as follows: "
A) Economic remuneration: Year 2016 (from March to June 15) .------- 2'50 € / night / festive hour.
Notwithstanding considering the restitution of the night and festivity paid to € 4.50 as set out in the Framework Agreement.
Due to the current situation, it will be repaid in the indicated amount of € 2.50 from March to June 15, at which time new negotiations will be initiated towards the reinstatement of the amount indicated in the aforementioned Framework Agreement.
B) Compensation in free time:
Nocturnidad: A day free of work for every six nocturnes, that is to say, the number of night hours divided between 6 (1 \ 6).
Festivity: One day free of work for every 3 holidays, that is, number of festive hours divided by 3 (1 \ 3).
The days worked on Friday night, will be considered festive, due to be considered a holiday on Saturday.
2.- As a sign of goodwill and the agreement reached by both parties, the special days set out in point 25.7 of the Framework Agreement are restored for those employees who perform service on the night of December 24 or 31 (Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve).
The workers mentioned, will also be compensated, on a day off to enjoy in the coming year. "
Second: To publish this agreement in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.
Third: To transmit to stakeholders and the relevant municipal services to its taking- over and compliance.
What is made public for general knowledge and in compliance with the provisions of the aforementioned agreement.
Totana , December 1, 2016.-The Mayor-President, Juan Jose Canovas Canovas
Source: / BORM