From the IES "Prado Mayor", as in previous courses, we have commemorated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on the occasion of the great sensitization that we feel towards this type of discriminatory acts that suppose a violation of the rights humans.
Likewise, and given that we consider that it is necessary to be aware of this situation, it is necessary to work from the educational level the social awareness in order to contribute from our scope to favor the eradication of this great social scourge.
From the "Prado Mayor" we have also wanted to emphasize egalitarian relations, understood as non-violent relationships, from boys to girls, from girls to boys, since we advocate co-education in the broadest sense .
In fact, our institute's line of work is aimed at promoting teaching and learning processes that enhance essential values ​​such as equality, freedom and human dignity.
Thus, the commemoration of November 25 is a good time to reflect on the issue and develop initiatives of a different nature aimed at forming a more just future between men and women, so that the activities carried out in this course have been, among others , Reading of a manifesto, realization of posters denouncing violent facts, listening and analysis of songs related to the subject, completion of tests and questionnaires that have favored the reflection of the students on the toxic relations between boys and girls, viewing of films with sequential analysis Of the most significant scenes, representation of a rap song created by a student of the Center, etc.
Finally, and following the famous quotation of the renowned American writer and biochemist Isaac Asimov, "violence is the last resort of the incompetent", so we are convinced that from the educational centers we can work in this line with a common goal: Competent persons to ensure the eradication of violence.
Source: IES “Prado Mayor”