Last weekend of October 22 and 23 took place the first seminar of Sui O Ryu in Murcia.
On this occasion our colleague Eugenio, who made the train trip, pointed out a sigh between talks and experiences.
Totana station was waiting for our host, Pepe, and Dario.
The four of us stayed, as in previous occasions, in Caruana: a rural tourist center where Juan the owner, always has an excellent and very close contact with us, which helped that the table overlapped and the hours of sleep diminished ... Saturday morning woke up fresh and clear ... with fantastic views of the Sierra de Espuña, a homemade breakfast and on the march to the municipal hall of Aledo.
I have to thank the facilities that the City of Aledo lent us, through its councilor of sports, to be able to hold the seminar there.
Punctually we are in the pavilion and it is very grateful to see the same faces that repeat experience for three years, which I have been visiting in Murcia.
A great merit thanks to the effort and determination of José Valero keeping alive and united this group that, slowly but steadily, is growing as time passes.
As I usually do when I give a seminar for the first time, in this case of Sui O Ryu, after the inescapable tag, I make a brief introduction to the work that is going to be done, as well as the situation of our group in the school and the differences more Remarkable between the practice of Seitei and a Koryu like ours.
During the two sessions on Saturday we proposed a work program that for some was already known and helped them to fix concepts and small doubts, for others perhaps a little more complicated to be the first time they practiced our school, but ultimately the faces Of all reflected their interest and curiosity in knowing more and working with more desire.
At noon we were able to enjoy a short walk to get to know the old town of the town that welcomed us, with an impressive showcase of valleys and canyons that can be seen from the top of the walled area.
After dinner and taking advantage of the good night, we enjoy a sky flooded with stars, are the advantages of the area, almost no light pollution and clear night.
On Sunday we started with a different work after the flood of katas on Saturday, a work in couples where we could reflect one of the great qualities of our school, the possibility of applying with a partner the katas practiced alone in Iai Kenpo, being able to give Clearer explanations, that perhaps during the Sabbath were not seen with the same clarity that when you apply the kata with a real adversary.
As always, time is getting out of hand when we are in good company and enjoy practicing what we like;
The weekend flew by and we were back at the station to return to Madrid, not without the satisfaction of a great weekend with fellow Murcia and much work ahead, eager to repeat the experience
SUIO RYU IAI KEMPO, is a Koryu or ancient school founded in 1615 by MIMA YOICHAZEMON KAGENOBU (1577-1665) the current Soke is KATSUTSE YOSHIMITSU, fifteenth uninterrupted Soke of the tradition since 1615.
In addition to the techniques of unsheathing, Kempo (ken-jutsu), Joho (Jutsu), Naginata Jut-su, Wakizashi and Kogusoku (melee combat with armor) are also contemplated.
Discipline that also is imparted in the Club Aikido Totana, directed by Jose Valero and Avalda and supervised technically by Alfonso Estrada Sensei, designated directly from Japan by the same Soke, like responsible of the correct transmission of the school for Spain.
For us it is a great luck, an honor and a pride to have the guidance and advice of Alfonso Estrada.
From the club we encourage anyone interested in this discipline to come and meet you.
As always we thank for the invaluable collaboration of the Sports Department of Totana and this time also the City of Aledo and his council of sports for being so willing to collaborate with our club in the spread of Japanese culture,
Source: Club Aikido Totana