The Board of Pedancies has been held recently and during the course of the same have reviewed the needs and updated demands of the seven districts of the municipality, as well as the actions undertaken since the last meeting last March.
The meeting was attended by the mayor, Juan José Cánovas, the first deputy mayor, Andrés García, and the councilors Víctor Balsas, Inmaculada Blázquez, Antonia Camacho, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez and Javier Baños, as well as the seven neighborhood representatives of the districts Totaneras
The municipal authorities reported on the efforts made and the actions undertaken in the area of ​​rural roads and public services in general in the different districts depending on the possibilities that this local entity has.
The attendees requested information on the latest steps taken with the Ministry and the Autonomous Community in relation to the High Voltage Line and realized that it is planned to submit a motion to the November plenary.
In addition, in La Sierra, the management of the supply problems with the water reservoir, the need to undertake clearing work on the roads to Los Molejones and El Purgatorio, were discussed;
And the actions carried out on the Aledo Road to Llano de las Cabras were reported.
In relation to the hamlet of La Huerta, there was a need to clean the roads of La Coronela, Los Molinos and Jardín de Don Justo;
The convenience of proceeding to the nomination of roads and the cleaning in the area located behind the hermitage and the problems generated by the cannon "El Saco".
In El Raiguero, it was reported that Hoya España is being handled on the road and the needs of public lighting are being addressed in streetlights near concrete rural centers.
Also discussed is the need to change the pipeline in the social site of El Raiguero Alto (it is planned to run) and the pruning of trees, as the existing problem with the eucalyptus existing next to the social site.
On the deputation of Las Viñas-Carivete, it was reported that there was a month for the re-laying of the C-8 road and about six months to execute the work;
And reiterated the actions that have been carried out with the different administrations on the High Voltage Line.
It was discussed the need for the start-up as soon as possible of the operation of the warehouse and the construction of two toilets, one for men and one for women, separated from the hermitage.
During the session, the pedestal of La Costera, Esperanza Martínez, thanked the actions taken to eliminate the requested jumps, the placement of horizontal signage in the hypermarket "Macfour" and the patching of the Cemetery Trail.
In addition, he transmitted a neighborhood complaint regarding the existence of an antenna that apparently is of TV;
And requests the asphalting of the El Colmenar Road, and the cleaning and repair of the existing tunnel due to the removal of a palm tree.
The pedestrian mayor of Lébor, Concepción Blázquez, advocated a change and improvement of the appearance of traffic signs and identifying signs and proposed to have a meeting with the neighbors about the state of the sewerage in this hamlet.
In addition, he requested the support of the City Council so that the children of this hamlet finish their studies of Primary Education in the school of Lébor.
The pedestrian mayor of El Paretón, Francisca Caballero, conveyed the congratulations for the arrangement of the toilets of the fairground and proposes the arrangement of the roads of Las Ventas, Los Tuelas and La Escuela;
Stressed the existence of several signs of traffic in bad condition and the need to replace some spaces by the breakage of street lamps or lack thereof, as in Practicante Street and the Road of Los Tuertos.
He also noted that the El Paretón Senior Citizen Center does not have a concierge and it was reported that it is planned to include this service in the tender document of the cafeteria service of the social center "Juana Serrano";
And the convenience of arranging the path communicated with the CEIP "Guadalentín" was discussed.
In another order of matters, also related to El Paretón, the problem that was generated with the noise of the sewage lids was discussed and it was requested to place the sign forbidden to park on both sides of the road of the school, authorizing the parking only of vehicles Of teachers.
In Mortí, it was asked to place a highlight on the Road to the Sports Center and in the area of ​​the Balsa de Mortí (between Venta La Rata and Los Pinos Sale) so that the vehicles circulate more slowly;
And the problem of the cleaning of the orchards was treated, for which the neighbors are advised to report to the Ministry of Agriculture, given that the City Council has no jurisdiction in the area of ​​Los Huertos but only on municipal plots.
In addition, the bad condition of the mailboxes was treated and more containers were ordered on the rural roads.
Finally, the mayor informed that a group of whatsapp will be set up in which all the mayors are pedantic for general information and possible incidences;
And commented that in the face of the budgets of 2017 proposals are being proposed to proceed to the study of those that can be undertaken.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana