For the first time, an Adjustment Plan has been approved by the Treasury.
This decision of the Ministry is the responsibility of the Mayor and the Government Team.
Of the elaboration of a Plan of Adjustment serious, realistic and moderate, but fulfilling the commitments that are demanded to the consistory in exchange of the necessary aid to give a little room of maneuver and to be able to face the payments pending that the City council drags from years ago.
This Adjustment Plan is revisable annually and has been made with the least possible impact for neighbors, since fixed rates such as water bill and garbage rate are unchanged, and it contemplates updates of 5 % Which in some cases do not exceed some euro cents, while others will be eliminated.
It also modifies the vehicle tax, so that luxury vehicles pay a higher rate than those of totaneros with lower purchasing power.
"They must know the totaneros and totaneras, that the irresponsibility of the PP sending to the Ministry up to three Plans that were not worth anything, we have cost to all 3,600,000 € per year that have been retained to the consistory to receive aid and not to face the The PP does not have any political or moral legitimacy to give management lessons to Ganar Totana, since they are the only responsible for having to take measures of adjustment to curb the ruin they have generated with their nefarious management and waste.
The spokesman of the PP is concerned about how to remember the passage of Juan José Canovas by the mayor.
Rather he should worry about how he remembers his own step by the government and the one of his Municipal Group by the City council, that like the horse of Attila, by which they passed the grass does not grow.
It would have to refresh the memory of the daring spokeswoman, reminding her that upon the arrival of the Popular Party to the government in 2003, a debt was fully acceptable and justified by the public investments that took place.
Services at full capacity, such as the case of the Water Service, whose performance was 80% and zero debt.
An Industrial Estate that was the envy and example of reference for the rest of the Polygons of the Region and for which more than half a million square meters of land were acquired for its expansion and development.
A municipal society (Proinvitosa) that closed each course with a positive balance and a Nursery Business began in 2002 and was abandoned in 2003 when the PP of Juan Morales began signing the urban agreements that has meant the ruin of the town Of Totana.
"It is easy to waste the money from the urban agreements and commit the city council in bank loans that can not be summoned to the municipal coffers, disregarding the payments afterwards." The PP says that he has opted for the easy way, they do know the easy way. Quite the contrary, facing and trying to redress the economic situation is the difficult road, but both the mayor and Ganar Totana are willing to seek solutions to a problem that we have not generated, but we will not ignore our responsibility of government.
"It should also be known that Isabel María Sánchez, who lies when she boasts of the investments made by the Popular Party, or is it unknown, that the works with which she intends to justify these alleged investments, besides being subsidies, are Without justifying it - for example, the works of the health center and those of the new police station - some works that the PP did not justify and which is a serious problem for this city council, not to mention the work of the Kabuki Bridge, PP has budgeted € 188,509 and that with delays and sosbrecostes, has cost almost a million euros to totaneros. Forget also mention the Popular Speaker, that the loans signed by the PP (some in terms of usury), as well as having wasted The money entered by the Urban Agreements, have ended up leaving Totana in the most absolute ruin with a debt of 180,000,000 M €, continuing the work begun by its predecessors in 2003. "
While the Popular Party seeks to justify the unjustifiable and to continue with its campaigns of populism and demagoguery, both the Mayor and Ganar Totana, we demonstrate that to govern from closeness, honesty, seriousness and responsibility with public resources, is the only way to face The complicated economic situation that crosses the consistory.
We demand the creation of a Common Political and Social Front in the matter of economy and we commit ourselves to respect it in the future.
The approval of the Plan of Adjustment is a small first step to get us to the exit with a long term horizon in which the citizens and the Political Groups must go in the same direction to leave this all together.
Source: Ganar Totana IU