"In the last plenary of October, it passed the motion to Win Totana on the rejection of the measure to expand the export of South Africa to the EU, to be clearly detrimental to the citrus sector in Spain and the Region of Murcia. This measure, suspending tariffs with South Africa until 30 November, it was supported by MEPs Popular Party and the abstention of the Socialist Party, and has been heavily criticized by agricultural organizations, which already warned of the threat posed by this measure to Spain and injury to companies, freelancers and employees in the sector. "
Recently it has been summoned for the first time in Valencia the so-called "Contact Group Citrus Hispano-Franco-Italian".
It was agreed to ask the European Commission for a study on the impact of the agreement.
Specifically, they ask to evaluate the impact on European citricultura of important concessions in the field of citrus that South Africa will benefit by introducing its citrus on the Community market and regretted that has not been done before approving enlargement.
EU permissiveness with imported when control the possible entry of pests and diseases in citrus shipments of particular concern.
The preservation of plant health in European citrus industry is one of the central concerns of the sector and not without reason.
Proof of this are already observed cases of orange imported from South African origin with dangerous pests such as the "Black Spot" produced by the fungus "Guignardia Citracarpa" and "Greening", carried by an insect that devastates entire plantations in other countries and is a danger of contagion in the Spanish cultures.
Each year gets longer over the presence of South African citrus in European markets and is known the existence of major expansion plans with new varieties, both gilts and late, which will increase the overlap with the Spanish varieties.
Nor should we forget that South Africa already ranks as the second largest exporter in the world, only behind Spain and see improved export conditions to the detriment of the national product.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture in 2015 it produced 133,000 tons of Murcia oranges and tangerines 112,000 would be threatened their market entry, as well as obtaining a fair price.
"Winning Totana will send our representatives in Congress, opposition to this measure as harmful to our farmers in the region and also ask that the health guarantees that apply in the European Union are respected, as well as a fair price to farmers and consumers . "
Source: Ganar Totana IU