The Local Government Board has extended for a period of five years until October 2021, the service management of the Office of Taxpayer of the City of Totana to the company "ASIREC, SL", located on Calle San Cristobal of this town.
Thus, the Consistory totanero agree to enter in the municipal budgets of 2017 and in subsequent years enough for the execution of this contract, at the rate of 37,855.23 euros per month.
The day November 2, 2006 the contract between the City and the successful bidder, the deadline for performance of the contract is set at ten years starting from the signing of the contract was formalized.
This period, as stated in the contract may be extended for periods of five years up to a maximum of three extension periods by mutual agreement of the parties.
The extension is executed based on the current economic situation of the City discarding the option to redeem the service;
and under the discipline imposed cost containment in the Consistory, so it is not convenient to make a new bid to increase the contract price even include benefits and improve service.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana