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The treaty transatlantic Europe-US (TTIP), "an agreement against all" (15/10/2016)

IU MEP Marina Albiol will offer the conference "The Treaty Europe-US transatlantic (TTIP)," an agreement against all "on Thursday October 20 at 20:30 at cultural center in" Jail " according to reports from the Workers Cultural Center and Totana.

Marina Albiol was born in Grau de Castelló in 1982. He is a graduate and physiotherapy.

Marina has grown politically in the Pais Valencia, currently a member of the Communist Party of the Valencian Country and belongs to the Federal Committee of the PCE.

Between 2007 and 2014 he was deputy for the province of Castellón in the Valencian Parliament, where he stood out for his active fight against corruption, in cases such as Castellón Airport.

From his seat Valencia and now since the European Parliament has raised his voice for causes such as closure of CIES and respect for the rights of people migrated, or the fight against fracking

In 2011 he participated in the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, he could never reach their destination, and where traveled in 2015. He has participated in numerous initiatives of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In the European Parliament is part of the committees on Civil Liberties, of the Justice and Home Affairs, the Development and Petitions is Vice-President of the Parliamentary Delegation Euro-Latin American, participating in the intergroup defense rights people LGBT, anti-fascism and anti-racism, anti-corruption and defense of minority languages,

The presentation will be borne by the Councillor for "Winning Totana" Inma Blazquez.

Summary of the paper

The paper will address five basis points.

First the "Marco Democratic and Transparency".

This is a treaty that lacks true participation by the citizens and being negotiated, practically between large multinationals that govern the world and is being done them according to your needs and with a remarkable obscurantism by the European Union.

Secondly the "Regulatory Cooperation" will involve a regulatory development that few states will have to say because of the subordination to the "Court of Arbitration", which is the third item will be addressed.

Then we will talk about the "Consequences for labor rights, the environment and agriculture," three aspects that affect us all, as workers, as citizens of the planet and a people who are directly dependent on agriculture.

Finally we will talk about the "approval" of the treaty that is beginning to be cuestinada by numerous groups and by some states, such as France.

After the presentation a debate among participants opens.

Source: Totana.com

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