The Municipal Equality Council last week addressed the proposed activities to commemorate the November 25, Day Against Gender Violence, according to sources of the municipal department.
They also were announced, by the CAVI, the various workshops, to be held during the last quarter of the year, in schools of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Thus, the workshop will be offered coeducation (riberdis) and secondary education, the workshop "Violets Relations" aimed at promoting healthy relationships among youth;
and likewise also the thematic workshops for women were presented.
The Municipal Equality Council Totana is the highest organ of democratic participation of the city of Totana and their associations in municipal matters concerning equal opportunities between women and men.
It is composed of all the associations concerned who have previously requested and are legally recognized, is registered in the Municipal Register of Associations, and that its action is aimed at promoting the values ​​of equality.
Among the purposes of the Municipal Council are promoting Equality and propose actions carried out from the municipality in terms of equality.
Although advances in equality are clearly still a long way to go to achieve real equality.
The more social actors involved in the definition and dissemination of measures and strategies will have greater effect equal benefit of all.
Equality does not refer to women but involves and benefits both sexes, so we intend to promote the presence of women in the municipal council of equality.
Generally, two annual meetings are held, and last October 6 was the last meeting where associations raised various activities to mark the November 25, International Day against gender violence.
It will disseminate the activities that eventually will be performed to commemorate that date and the efforts to eradicate this problem in the municipality of Totana shortly.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana