Totana City Council has joined the Manifesto for Equality of Men and Women that promotes the Organization of Business and Professional Women of the Region of Murcia (OMEP), whose initiative was approved at the July plenary session unanimously.
Accession has resulted in an institutional event which took place in the plenary hall, and which was attended by the mayor, Juan José Canovas, Councillor for Equality, Eulalia Moreno, and representatives of the four municipal political groups represented.
At the same event have gathered also representatives of OMEP, its president Manuela Marin and vocal Paloma Escudero, who signed the institutional agreement with the alderman of Totana.
The Organization of Business and Professional Women of the Region of Murcia aims to comply with current regulations concerning equal opportunities for men and women.
To achieve this, it is carrying out a series of actions to ensure the improvement of all kinds of inegalitarian situations for women in our society.
The most prominent of them is the creation in 2016 of the Observatory for Equality.
Equal opportunity is a principle of mandatory and our proposal is to validate its application in all areas: social, cultural, political and business.
From this observatory it aims to give visibility to those positive behaviors both within the public and private sectors, to serve as a guide in achieving our goal of effective equality between women and men.
In the document a Decalogue of commitments to promote and guarantee a series of positive measures for the development and implementation of the fundamental right of equality is collected.
With the institutional commitment of the City Council, it is intended that this entity constitutes a social reference for the implementation of equal opportunities, contributing a visible and responsible to advance and promote the constitutional right of equality.
The Municipal Corporation fully agrees with the need to achieve the objective described and the proposals and considerations from OMEP arise in this regard.
The manifesto have already attached a near one hundred entities Murcia during the first year, between associations, political parties, unions and others, the City of Totana being the second in the Autonomous Community
Decalogue of Good Practices
I. The signatory organizations publicly commit to respecting and promoting equal opportunities between men and women, which is understood ensuring that women and men can participate in different spheres of society and activities undertaken on the basis equity and the need to redress inequalities and eliminate sexist barrier and directly or indirectly discriminatory.
Therefore, the signatories of this manifesto pledge to incorporate an equality plan, or possible measures according to their size and resources available in their organizations to comply with the rules and principles of this Observatory.
Our legislative reference is compliance with the Organic Law 3 / 2007de March 22 following the guidelines of the Amsterdam Treaty and Law 7/2007 for Equality of Women and Men of the Autonomous Community of Murcia, promoting their knowledge in all fields of the organization.
management models already implemented will be adopted in neighboring countries that encourage labor flexibility and remuneration by objectives, so that store to the time rationalization and possible alternatives to the culture of classroom work is encouraged.
Promoting measures to facilitate the reconciliation of work, family and personal life will be one of the basic pillars of human resources policies, in compliance with current legislation.
V. organizations promote as basic elements of suculturaorganizativa the values ​​and principles committed to equal opportunities, rejecting discriminatory attitudes and practices that protect or discrimination.
Favoring the dedication and immediately correcting attitudes and practices whose effects queamparenla seandiscriminatorioso discrimination, even though the practice is attributable to custom or habit.
instruments will be created to assess potential situations of gender inequality in organizations and will launch actions to improve them.
Likewise mechanisms to detect discriminatory practices and the necessary corrective measures be formalized.
The incorporation of women in collective bargaining and the inclusion of codes of good practice for non-discrimination or ial nenlosconveniossector are essential to ensure equal opportunities.
Therefore, in the above agreements with labor representatives it will promote the appropriate framework for the introduction of measures and actions that promote.
Senior management will take the lead among the rest of the squad, committing and supporting the policies developed within the organization to ensure that merit and ability are not the exclusive criteria for determining accountability of women and men, in the context of relations labor and professional.
The signatories undertake to implement, according to their possibilities, measures of personal and work-life balance for both men and women, and all those aimed at eliminating any wage or employment discrimination, and to adapt their systems work schedules and structures for achieving this goal.
It also establishes the principle of performance evaluation as a criterion for assigning tasks and remuneration for all staff of the company, regardless of origin, gender or identity.
X. The visibility of women becomes their equal freedom before the law. Therefore, the signing entity of this manifesto is committed to applying the principles embodied in the Decalogue as a tool for women in the exercise of individual freedom, can develop their full professional, public and institutional visibility.
As an expression of that commitment, the signing entity shall submit an annual report to OMEP with the details of the actions and progress made during the calendar year, to be incorporated into the memory of the Observatory will be drafted and disseminated through the media and channels timely.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana /