The Local Government Board has recently approved the proposal of Councillor for Finance and Contracting, Ana Maria Canovas, starting the record for hiring public service day centers for elderly dependents of Totana, and its processing by open.
In addition, the specifications have been approved administrative and technical clauses that will govern the tender and award of the contract and authorize the expenditure referred for a total of 239,100 euros for the first year of the contract.
This concerns the management and development of comprehensive care program in solitary day stays, personal and materials needed to provide a service to improve or maintain the level of functional autonomy and remain in their familiar environment of people resources comprising user dependent.
Day Centres for dependent people of Totana represent a total of 35 seats, of which 30 are provided under the agreement of the council with the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS) and the remaining five are municipal award and temporary while they are not recognized service by the Autonomous Community.
Thus, the centers are the Day Care Service of Alzheimer Silk (Calle Real) has a maximum of 15 seats and SED DAY CARE (Plaza Balsa Vieja) has a maximum of 20 users.
The way the award of this contract is open, so that all interested contractors may submit a proposal;
and the duration will be two years, renewable for periods of one year to two years, in total a maximum of four years of the contract, including extensions, by mutual agreement between the parties and expressly.
The maximum price for the first year is 239,100 euros per year and then for the four years of the contract is a maximum of 956,400 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana