Totana has currently a total of 456 families with the expedition of Title large family, of which 55 are of a special type, ie families with five or more children, according to sources Service Statistics.
The large family or large family card is the official document that accredits it as a large family to access the benefits of a public nature that correspond by law.
This document is issued the Autonomous Communities and can be requested at the time it becomes a large family, ie, the third child born or found in any of the cases provided Laley Protection of Large Families.
These cases, to be considered large family, they have two children one of them with disabilities or disability of a parent;
widowers with two children, and so on.
In addition, there are two categories of large family Large Family General (families up to 4 children) and large preference (families with 5 or more children).
EnEspañauna large family is one that has three children as long as certain requirements are met, such as economic dependence, nationality, age, salary or civil elestado.
Also, as indicated above, it is considered large family to that parent (eg divorce or widowhood by) with two children.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana