The Department of Economic Development has signed in recent months several agreements with prestigious professional organizations of regional scope with which it is intended to stimulate the training and employment activity in the municipality of Totana through the new Business Incubator (Vivem) located in the industrial park "The Saladar".
And there are several entrepreneurs who have signed cooperation agreements to develop their business on the premises of the new Business Incubator, either in offices or other agencies serving entrepreneurs Totana.
In this case, the City of Totana has already signed cooperation agreements with the Union of Worker Cooperatives in the Region of Murcia (UCOMUR), the Organization of Business and Professional Women (OMEP) and "Guadalentín Emprende", all implanted in the region of Murcia and experienced in promoting positive action to boost employment and local development in Totana in different sectors of the population.
The agreements aim to focus economic development activity in the Vivem, working to promote the social economy in general and labor associations, cooperatives and other enterprises owned by their workers particularly in Totana.
In addition, for the new course, direct and individualized attention will be paid, designed to enhance the self-employment under the formula of worker cooperative, and especially women;
as well as advice and information intended to integrate the labor market, either employed or self-employed under the formula of Associated Work Cooperative.
Similarly, conducting courses and briefings on cooperativism in particular and the social economy, training courses for the creation and launch of his own company under the formula of worker cooperative, or be offered another, in order to facilitate market entry self-employment.
organizing seminars and roundtables that contribute to the enhancement of the search for paid employment or self-employed, under the formula of Associated Work Cooperative, the largest number of people in the municipality of Totana is also contemplated.
The Consistory also aims at the Business Incubator from September to undertake joint actions to encourage the promotion and consolidation female in this county.
With these agreements it is to encourage the creation of companies led by women at the municipal level, and the development of training activities aimed at positioning of women decreasing the gender gap in the business and professional world.
Totana performances favoring the incorporation of women and young entrepreneurs to business and professional world is also promoted.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana