On June 5, 2015, representatives of PSOE and Izquierda Unida signed the programmatic principles of the Government Program for the 2015-2019 legislature, entitled "Program for immediate action to be taken by the new government team (of totana) ".
By members of the two groups of the government team are made, often, according Cebag- substantially different interpretations of the commitments derived therefrom, as is the most obvious and hot PGMO case.
According Cebag, this program consists of 24 "programmatic principles" that should govern the "immediate actions" to be performed by the new government team.
To Cebag, if these more than 400 days per year and two months in office, or no substantial differences between "what is said and signature to be done" and "what is actually done";
citizens can appreciate it directly, by reading the text of the agreement that is transcribed below.
(Just to clarify that the capitalized words are the original text, but the words in bold or underlined or paragraphs, marked from Cebag simply to highlight or underline some actions, words or phrases).
Unaware from Cebag, why it is so difficult to reach a legible copy of this document.
They are safe from this Confederation that both the Mayor and the government team, will thank Cebag have anticipated and worked with them in this healthy exercise of "transparency" and "glass walls" advocated in the agreement of 5 June.
They believe in Cebag, that this document, which has already more than a year and two months of life-was about to join the transparency portal of the City Council, for the information of all citizens, in "real time", such and as called for in paragraph 23 of the agreement or principle.
But it is not too late according Cebag- to be published on the web, albeit with considerable delay.
And also that the Mayor and the two political groups that signed, make a public balance, to all citizens, the level of implementation of the program of "immediate actions" -not because after 100 days, but more than cuatrocientos- since they are managing the City Mayor and the new administration of Totana.
According Cebag, citizens, but they not have many, or race or special insurance training-literates and interpret and evaluate themselves, between the lines and literally, which paragraphs of the agreement have been met and which have failed wholly or partially.
Los cargos electos percibirán un único salario por todas sus competencias y actuaciones .
Los sueldos de los cargos electos serán, además, proporcionales, razonables y acordes con el presupuesto del Ayuntamiento.
Atendiendo a criterios de austeridad y con respecto a los sueldos actuales, deberán ser reducidos.
Abolition of all positions of trust.
88,400 euros annual savings.
We will remove all contracts of staff appointed and replace officials or permanent staff.
Se auditarán de forma inmediata las cuentas municipales , para conocer con precisión la situación real.
Una vez tengamos los datos.
Se iniciarán gestiones ante bancos y administraciones para estabilizar la situación financiera y económica, exigiéndoles una quita de renegociación de condiciones sobre esa deuda. El objetivo es obtener un ahorro al año de entre 3 y 5 millones de euros .
Elimination Consulting Contracts and external consultants.
Inicio del Proceso para estudiar soluciones a las Explotaciones Ganaderas .
Immediate review of all department heads, canceling bonuses while not proceed to the final structure.
Constitución de una mesa para Aprobar definitivamente el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana tomando como base el actual aprobado. Realizaremos una consulta ciudadana parecida al APORTO , que realizamos en el año 2001, para preguntar a los vecinos qué modelo de ciudad quieren y en base a los resultados daremos instrucciones a los técnicos municipales para modificar el PLAN GENERAL y aprobarlo de forma definitiva.
Con la revisión uno a uno de los convenios firmados por las anteriores Corporaciones.
Start legal proceedings to merge in four months, businesses and municipal PROINVITOSA CEDETO, into one, reducing expenses and number of the Board.
Inicio de estudio para remunicipalizar los servicios municipales , revisando los contratos de los servicios que se han privatizado para evaluar el rendimiento y volver a municipalizar aquellos que sean más rentables para los ciudadanos .
Official vehicles Elimination of Political and start selling luxury car (Volvo).
Modificación inmediata de ordenanzas para garantizar una bajada de tasas e impuestos a familias en riesgo de exclusión social.
Dotación de supervivencia.
Creating a structure of municipal participation with the election by suffrage neighborhood neighborhood councils and districts in which a board president (or village headman) was chosen and two vowels.
(This is to create a stable non-person and covering the entire municipality participatory structure).
Vamos a convocar al Consejo Municipal de Participación Ciudadana y en el primer mes a todos los Consejos Municipales , el de Agricultura, Deportes, Igualdad , etc…, queremos que los vecinos conozcan la realidad de primera mano y tomar acuerdos juntos .
Desde el primer día queremos demostrar que vamos a gobernar con los ciudadanos .
Structuring the City Council, adapting to reality, in which prevail the principles of ability and suitability for the positions.
Inicio de soluciones, a los problemas de abastecimiento de agua potable en toda la red municipal, especialmente en las zonas del pueblo y pedanías.
Urgent meeting with union representatives to resume dialogue modify relations, deleted recognition rights and labor relations plan from the trust and goals.
Aplicación de la Ley de Memoria Histórica , eliminando nombres de personajes relacionados con la Dictadura y la corrupción.
Creation of the Staffing Committee attended by all municipal groups and unions, ensuring transparent processes.
Dotar la Administración Municipal de Secretario e Interventor, con Habilitación.
We will call upon all political parties, employers and unions to a Bureau of Local Employment.
There will listen to our proposals and the rest to agree on a municipal employment policy to generate wealth and quality work.
Convocaremos a los partidos políticos, agentes sociales y colectivos vecinales con el fin de hacer un PACTO POR EL FUTURO DE TOTANA.
Queremos pasar página y aparcar los enfrentamientos políticos y sociales para buscar los consensos necesarios para trazar el mejor camino hacia el futuro .
We will create a Municipal Intermediary Service to negotiate with banks and evictions. The aim is that there is not a single eviction in Totana.
This Service will be municipal technicians rights, economy and housing.
2. 3.
Vamos a abrir en la web del Ayuntamiento de Totana un PORTAL DE TRANSPARENCIA en donde estarán en tiempo real los gastos e ingresos, los contratos de obras y servicios, los contratos de personal, los acuerdos de adopten los órganos de gobierno , ingresos de los políticos municipales, etc. Queremos un Ayuntamiento con paredes de cristal.
We will require the Ministry of Health as soon as possible to end the zoning of primary care health files so that citizens have assigned the health center they wish and not imposed on them.
Also we demand that primary care service is established in the evenings. Just as studying the new needs of specialist consultations for endowment
Programmatic principles contained in this document and other agreements to be carried out, must be countersigned by the competent bodies and the respective political forces that subscribe.
Totana, June 5, 2015.
(Signed by top local representatives of PSOE and IU, in the original).
Source: Cebag