As in previous years, we offer a variety of courses that include swimming babies (from 6 months), children s, youth, adults and seniors.
We have different levels so that anyone can learn or perfect and especially enjoy the benefits of aquatic activities.
We also have other water activities such as synchronized swimming and water aerobics.
Swimming is essential and basic in children s, since it is necessary that from very small to acquire the skills and resources needed to enjoy the water.
This year we started before in order to provide continuity in the aquatic environment to all children s insurance during this summer they have enjoyed in the municipal swimming pools, beach or gardens.
As for adults, for many swimming it is "regarded as the most complete sport", as there is a cardiovascular and toning the entire body musculature provides you the only sport work.
In addition, water activities such as swimming or water aerobics are an essential sport for elderly and benificios level health and social contributing are incredible.
From Move, we encourage all interested persons to know and practice this aquatic activity and facilitate things with extended hours both as free-swimming activities led by qualified and experienced monitors in this medium.
In order to provide better service when formalizing enrollment, throughout this month of August all those interested can make their registration at the reception Move Sports Center on the following schedule:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 to 13:30 pm and from 16 to 22:30 h
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 22:30
Saturdays from 9 to 13:30 h
Sundays from 9 to 13 h
It is important that you book your place as soon as possible and we offer extended hours for registration can be formalized in a phased manner.
Enjoy water activities in Move!
Source: Move