This ranks as the third most used mobile daily, with both locals and canaries
12.5% ​​of the Murcian population is considered addicted and 26.6% of the citizens of the region looks more than 5 hours a day
More than three quarters of the population of Murcia ensures that you can not live without your mobile
The advancement of technology and the easy adaptation and use of it in everyday life have been an important mobile phones and smartphones boost.
Applications that facilitate instant communication between users, or exclusive sets of these terminals have become a global phenomenon, make smartphones indispensable in the lives of its users.
In fact, only in our country, the penetration rate of these devices has grown three percentage points in the last year, reaching 88%, and puts the country this year in second position of the leading countries in penetration of smartphones, surpassed only by Singapore (92%).
Given these data, Rastreator has conducted an analysis of their use Spanish mobile phone, which follows that increasingly use these devices and considered essential in their daily activity.
According to the Online Comparison Study III to the Smart Savings made by the company, more than half of the Spanish population (56%) actively using mobile at least 3 hours a day, with an average of 4,24 use daily hours, 24 minutes more than the previous year.
Similarly, users with a profile remain active young people between 18 and 24 years, where the average daily hours is 6.8.
Specifically, citizens of the Region of Murcia use their mobile an average of 4.68 hours a day.
This figure, higher than the national average, has risen from the previous edition when recorded 4.19 hours per day, and places the region as the third autonomous community longer uses the mobile half a day behind Madrid (4.75 hours) and the Canary Islands (4.72 hours).
In addition, a significant percentage of the population in the region, 26.6% goes to your mobile terminal hooked over 5 hours.
Are we addicted to mobile?
The high penetration of mobile terminals in our country is a clear sign that technology has crept fully into our daily lives.
This causes while also arise some addictions and dependencies have become an increasingly widespread social phenomenon.
Terms like phubbing or nomofobia give way to disorder and more serious fears that may affect the physical health of users and are alarming health professionals, such as the 'whatsappitis' or 'selfitis', especially among the population most use this type of terminals: young people.
The Spaniards devote more time to their mobile phones, but only 17.7% is considered addicted to them.
Specifically, in Murcia, this percentage decreases to stand at 12.5% ​​of addicts Mobile, the fourth lowest percentage nationwide.
Still, more than three quarters of the population of the region (76.6%) say they could not live without mobile.
Fernando Summers, CEO of Rastreator, explains that "the mobile phone has been integrated into our daily lives to such an extent that many users do not see their daily activity without using it at some point. In fact, two out of ten murcianos respondents in our study it could be more than a day without a mobile phone and, what is more, up to 14% say that their time limit without using the mobile phone would be in 5 hours maximum. "
In this sense, 29.7% of the population of Murcia says looking at mobile more than 10 times an hour, a percentage that has increased by 8.4% last year, in line with the national average which it has increased nearly seven points.
In addition, 12.5% ​​of Murcia consults more than 20 times an hour, increasing 2.7 points from 2015.