The regular plenary session June includes the act of taking office as Councillor of the City of Totana of the mayor Maria Isabel Rubio Peña, the Municipal People's Party, which replaces a member of the Corporation to José María Sánchez Pascual.
In addition, adherence to the framework cooperation agreement between the General State Administration and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia for the gradual implementation of a network of common spaces for the Citizen of the Region of Murcia agreement will be discussed.
The agenda includes other proposals of Finance as the proposal of Councillor bouquet on updating the interest rate entered into with the bank "Banco Popular" long-term loan and the Mayor's Office to raise the general account of the year 2014 the city Council, among others, as well as to account for the resolution 2.124 / 2016, of June 17, approval of settlement of the 2015 budget.
the proposal from the mayoral declaration of harmfulness of the resolution adopted in Ordinary Session of March 27, 2014 on approval of settlement of the lease signed with the company "Hotels del Sureste, SL" will also be addressed.
municipal political groups
Corporate treat the motion of Win-IU Totana on exemption from the ORA (blue zone) to vehicles with distinctive "zero emissions" of the DGT until 2010.
Similarly, the motion of the PSOE will be discussed in urging the Government of the Nation to regulatory development of the Local Finance Law concerning the possibility of levying the surcharge of 50% of IBI to unoccupied homes in the hands of financial institutions and its subsequent application in Totana.
Also, the motion of the Popular Party in relation to the declaration of persona non grata Arnaldo Otegi, as well as the C's in relation to the Plenum will be addressed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana