Totana City Council and the Brotherhood of the Kiss of Judas in this town opened last Saturday afternoon the square will take henceforth the name of this brotherhood, in urbanization "El Parral" where his house is located headquarters.
The event was chaired by the Mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, and was attended by councilors Works and Infrastructure, Victor Balsas, and Citizen Participation, Agustin Gonzalo Martinez, and other members of the Municipal Corporation.
The events began with the celebration of a Mass in the home-host this brotherhood coinciding with the celebrations promoted by this brotherhood during the past fin des emanates, and then the unveiling of a commemorative plaque with the name of the new plaza took place.
Then we proceeded to the blessing of this infrastructure to charge the priest, Jose Campos;
and then he proceeded to interventions by the President of this brotherhood, Quiteria López Murcia, and the mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas.
Later, the band of bugles and drums of the brotherhood played five musical pieces.
The Mayor and raised a motion to the full last October in which he intended to name a public space of the city to the Brotherhood of the Kiss of Judas.
With this act came to comply with plenary resolution adopted unanimously, and which was intended to give the name of a public space of the city to this brotherhood, responding to the brief presented last September by check of the City Council.
With it, it is called "Plaza of the Brotherhood of the Kiss of Judas" to the square where its headquarters is located, keeping the name of the garden with its current name "Garden of sculptor Eduardo Chillida" in this contiguous space .
As it was reflected in the letter sent to the mayor, "such an idea arises from the current policy of brotherhood in order to make it easier to locate the headquarters of the brotherhood as the space in question."
See report:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Foto: