The Full Council of Totana unanimously approved a motion by the Citizens political group that promotes impulse purchase and implementation of cardio-protection services and training in addition to non - medical personnel.
a proposal in voce for the organization of football matches in order to raise money to finance the necessary equipment was also performed.
Sudden deaths represent a major problem for public health, most are due to ischemic heart diseases that cause lethal cardiac arrhythmias, which is one of the leading causes of death in economically advanced countries.
The best treatment for people suffering cardiac arrest is early implementation of a series of actions that medical scientific societies have called "Chain of Survival".
The clinical and scientific evidence reaffirm that early defibrillation is the most appropriate health response.
Technological advances have allowed us to develop devices, called semiautomatic external defibrillators that make simple and secure application by authorized and trained non-medical personnel.
The cardioprotegidas areas are spaces that have defibrillators properly trained people, and other elements, number and arrangement as to ensure that it is possible to act quickly against sudden cardiac arrest until the arrival of emergency services.
He warned that exist on the web several ways of financing the equipment on which should study as collaborations and selling bracelets.
It is important to implement cardioprotegidas areas in public spaces such as schools, colleges, sports facilities, city hall and industrial estates.
As well as reaching agreements with the AMPAS, sports clubs and businesses.
Source: Ciudadanos Totana / Foto: