The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, and the new president of the Association of Parents with Disabilities Intellectuals Totana (PADISITO), Toni Canovas Caro, have signed yesterday the agreement of collaboration with the association for the development of transport services aimed at users of the Day Care Centers of Persons with Disabilities Totana.
Totana Town Council has, at present, various services for people with disabilities, such as the Day Center for the Disabled Intellectuals "José Moya Trilla" and the Day Center for Persons with Mental Illness "Princess Letizia".
Under this agreement the City will collaborate economically with the association PADISITO providing the amount of 1,700 euros per month in compensation for the costs of providing this transport service, whose agreement will last until next July 31.
This agreement is signed given the current and urgent need of the City Council for proper development and standard of transport services users both day centers of care for people with disabilities, and to the increase of the same and limited means available to provide them (vehicle adapted).
Currently, the PADISITO association has the appropriate means adapted vehicle as a driver, expressing willingness to provide these transport services immediately and cover therefore this need until the City Council can end the execution of relevant actions to offer this service by autonomous means.
The agreement will make as these transport services are funded by the Autonomous Community, through the agreement established between the City of Totana and the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), for this purpose;
and therefore, there is provided and sufficient credit in the municipal budget to meet the costs of these.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana