The Local Government Board has recently awarded Isabel Noguera Romero, a resident of Totana, the contract under temporary lease of bar-cafeteria municipal property located in the hotel of La Santa, which will open soon, according to the councilman Recruitment Ana Canovas.
The transfer of bar-cafeteria occurs in exchange for the maintenance, control and surveillance of the public infrastructure;
and the service is set as the complex is not definitively awarded, explained the mayor.
With the closing of the hotel Santa had also disappeared the service, which meant inconvenience for hundreds of visitors and tourists who travel every week this place next to the shrine of the patron saint of Totana, Santa Eulalia.
Totana Town Council plans to put out to public tender now the new specifications in order to award the contract to the new manager after the resignation of former, involving the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment Development in this new stage begins.
The hotel Santa was closed to the public two months ago after 13 years opened and managed by the "Hotels del Sureste", which was responsible for organizing events and celebrations in this infrastructure and adjoining gardens.
The hotel cessation of this complex activity has left the 35 rooms offered by the hotel and cottages 7 Corridor Santiago and the four existing houses in the area, all municipal property.
Desert project equipment La Bastida
Moreover, the Local Government Board has agreed also declared void the bidding process of drafting the exhibition project, supply and installation of equipment in the field argárico "La Bastida".
Only he had filed a company whose proposal apparently does not meet or meet the minimum specifications contained in reason and the budget, which has rejected the offer.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana