The Councillor for Local Development, Training and Employment Programs City of Totana, Antonia Camacho, recently inaugurated the course on "administrative activities in the customer relationship," which is being developed in the CLD.
This training, which is also a professional certificate has been granted to the City of Totana by the Employment and Training of the region of Murcia (SEF), also having co-financing from the European Social Fund and ascending the subsidy to the amount of 49,980 euros, 100% subsidized.
The course "Administrative Activities client relationship" has a total of 800 hours, of which 120 are placements in companies in the municipality.
In addition, this training students at the end of it, get certification level of professional qualifications 2, in which eligible for jobs as switchboard operator-receptionist office depediente trade, clerk storage service and reception stewardess information, operator-computer data recorder, among others.
They can also work as a receptionist at establishments other offices, administrative assistant with customer service tasks, assistant administrative support to the management of buying and selling, auxiliary control information.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana