The Highways Agency is committed to run the C-8 of the deputation of Las Vinas-Carivete during 2016, since there is already a budget of 100,000 euros for implementation this year and has proposed to make a term investment in order to finalize the remaining sections leaving this budget.
The mayor, Juan José Canovas, and the first deputy mayor and councilor of Roads, Andres Garcia, met with General Director of Roads, Jose Antonio Fernandez Lladó, in order to address the needs that exist in this municipality in the road highways.
The municipal government intends that this important work of upgrading the C-8 remains completed as soon as possible time, given the agricultural interest of the area, the large number of second homes that are concentrated around this infrastructure and that is the way of communication with the argárico site of "La Bastida".
It has also addressed the implementation of the West Beltway, the draft reads this year, since there is already a departure of 200,000 euros for this performance.
Municipal officials have proposed that the general public interest grounds for execution declaration, failing to study the availability of state that would land with the approval of the General Plan.
They have also addressed the problem in the MU-502, which connects Totana and Aledo, where there are several sections in the road where the roots of the trees that surround it are causing damage to the asphalt, whose action is a priority to undertake and it will be implemented in the coming months.
Similarly, they have been interested in the sinking presenting a section of the old RM-3315 road between Totana and Mazarrón, between the roundabout Paretón and bridge Guadalentín river, whose repair has been requested in order to avoid accidents.
City officials have transferred to the Director of Roads concern about the status and lack of maintenance that has the RM-503 Aledo-Bullas road passing through the town of Totana, and inside the natural park of Sierra Espuña.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana