The Full Council of Totana last night approved unanimously, nine of the ten municipal initiatives that were discussed at the regular meeting in February, among which highlighted the provisional approval of the amendment of the regulatory tax ordinance rate pro parking of vehicles on public roads (ORA) as a result of the reorganization in several streets of the town.
The modification is given by the restructuring of parking and traffic that is being done in Santa Eulalia Avenue, deleted blue 5 parking area located on the stretch from San Cristobal Street Calleja Street;
and they have been enabled as the blue zone located in the section from the street to square Mecas Miguel Marin, who were residents before, in order to facilitate rotation and parking for customers of businesses located in the area.
It was also agreed to amend the List of Jobs amortizing 2015 a total of 10 vacancies in different municipal areas and creating them in the Department of Services and Works, respectively.
Corporate agreed to support the demands made by the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (FEDER) for World Rare Disease Day 2016 held on 29 February.
In this regard, it was decided to urge the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to implement the actions of regional and national levels that are specific to their skills and reflected in the Decalogue institutional manifesto prepared for this day.
The council approved unanimously urge the central and regional governments to develop measures within the Equality Act in access to employment, with special emphasis on aspects related to stability, quality, and equal pay between men and women and to achieve true reconciliation of work and family, promoting real equality in all public policies and society.
This joint motion requesting the national government includes the extension of maternity leave from 4 to 6 months following the guidelines set WHO regarding infant feeding, because with the current four months is impossible.
the regional government is also proposed the need to increase the budget for policies of equality and prevention of gender violence and propose reading a joint manifesto to commemorate this day.
In the same proposal calls for the need to recover in the municipalities figure Agent Equality and continue to promote the City Council work coeducation, which involves values ​​transmitted norms and behaviors, knowledge and behavior through campaigns education in collaboration with schools in the municipality.
motions policies
The House approved the motion to Win Totana-IU, also unanimously and with the amendment adding the PP, to urge the General Directorate of Land Registry not to apply the valuation list as is being done, by the mere change of classification Rustic ground or inadequate, Urbano.
In the same motion is advocated taking into account the judgment of May 2014, on all lands that are affected for reclassification via planning agreements or partial plans, not to apply the corresponding property values ​​and increasing property tax until it is Developments produce or investments in the affected areas.
In addition, it is proposed to conduct a study on municipal services from the pockets of land not developed or urbanized, which has subsidiaries qualification standards in force and urban land is not developed;
and in this case, proceed to revise the assessed values ​​and IBI.
Similarly, it urges the Ministry of Finance and the Autonomous Community to articulate way of municipal financing that does not unfairly penalize the neighbors / as, thus confirming the judgment of the Supreme Court.
green light was given to the motion of Winning Totana-IU to urge RENFE to reinstate all the deleted station Totana services, thus improving the service provided, encouraging public transport and increasing the number of users of the .
The City Council fully showed its full institutional support to residents who have been affected by this deterioration of basic services such as commuter rail.
Also, the motion-Winning Totana IU approved for the Full Council of Totana's accession to the network of free cities of trafficking in women and children for prostitution;
requiring the central and regional government quee really apply the law, chasing women and people trafficking, and pimps who are campando on track in clubs and brothels road that everyone knows.
Both they passed motions The deputies of the Socialist Group, also unanimously, to urge that the Ministry of Education to assume the construction of the sports court of the district of San Jose, located in the annex to the school grounds;
and proceed with the procurement of the project, drafted now 6 years 4th aulario ago in the IES "Prado Mayor";
with a staff of 10 classrooms and laboratories, offices, warehouses and workshops on two floors and basement, and immediately proceed with the demolition of existing electricity workshops.
Finally, it was approved with the votes in favor of Win-IU and PSOE Totana and against the PP and C's, the amendment to the all-IU Totana Win a motion of the Popular Party on articles 1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution.
In the approved amendment any exclusive, centralist or peripheral nationalism is rejected;
the reform of the Constitution requires in its current Article 135, which severely cuts social and citizens' rights;
It is urging the State and Parliament of Catalonia to initiate a dialogue leading to understanding and engagement of the community in the Spanish State, respecting and deepening the plurality, history and characteristic peculiarities of the peoples of Spain.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Foto: