The totaneras city officials today joined those affected by the route of the power line while attending the plenary of the Regional Assembly, where a joint motion of the four parliamentary groups is presented to request protection for residents affected by this project going through the towns of Totana and Aledo, which aims to paralyze the planned route.
The institutional delegation were the mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, the first deputy mayor, Andres Garcia and Town Planning, Carlos Mendez Ballester.
In the meeting we proceeded to debate and vote unanimously for the motions on "Drawing the line that will transport electricity from Zarcilla Totana", which had made the totanero deputy of the Socialist Group, Alfonso Martínez Baños .
The motion states urge the Council of Government, in collaboration with the municipalities of Lorca, Aledo and Totana, explore and implement measures necessary for the broker to use to transport the energy produced by the photovoltaic plant has Zarcilla the lowest condition to homes, industries and farms and livestock.
The municipal government has been supporting since last November in all its steps and political and administrative actions to those affected;
for what have held several information meetings in the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" and coordination meetings at City Hall.
The platform affected, along with the city, have chartered bus early in the morning from the side of the municipal park for the people who attend the event.
The session was scheduled at 10 am;
and they have also been displaced many people in private vehicles.
The inclusion of the motion on the agenda is to respond to the visit by representatives of the platform over a month at regional parliament ago last January 12th, where they were received by the president of the regional chamber, Rosa Peñalver, who led a subsequent meeting with the spokesmen of the different parliamentary groups.
The platform affected by power line Aledo-Totana attended the Regional Assembly to ask for "protection" for residents and paralyze this project, approved in 2013 and published on February 26, 2015 in the Official State Gazette pro environmental statement to the construction of a photovoltaic plant in Zarcilla by Gestamp Andaltia impact.
The line will have a voltage of 400 kilovotios and an intensity of 330 million watts and will be built to transmit the electricity from the solar power plant at the substation next to the Industrial El Saladar of Totana and that will affect the municipalities of Lorca, Aledo and Totana.
Also it will affect about 450 plots directly, reason why the platform calls for protection.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana